Improve the appearance and enhance the grade of your produce with our protective coatings that are formulated for the general and specific waxing of fruits and vegetables. They contain a highly effective combination of surfactants, alkalis, and film forming materials, and can be applied by methods including spraying or dipping in soak tanks.
Whether supplying domestic or international export markets, you can count on our expertise for superior fresh arrivals. Fresh produce technology is the leading global provider of postharvest solutions, and is uniquely positioned to serve you with advanced technologies and services whatever you need and wherever you may be located.
We understand the challenges packers are faced with when trying to supply superior fruit year after year at the retail level. With each pack line so distinct, each fruit so unique, and each market so specific, achieving top quality arrivals require dynamic packing strategies. We recognize the vital need for a spectrum of coating products that can address your specific requirements throughout the season. Browse through our line of coating products, and with help from our technical service team we are sure you’ll find one or more to suit your needs.
With JBT you can be sure that you can achieve the optimal balance to meet your yield, quality and throughput goals while ensuring food safety, extending the shelf-life of your products and producing at the lowest possible per unit cost.
- Cutting-edge coatings, cleaners, and decay control products to enhance appearance, improve arrivals and minimize loss.
- Monitoring and application systems to ensure effective and efficient delivery of products.
- Shrinkage control (weight loss), enhanced shine, flavor retention and carrier of postharvest fungicides.
- Custom formulations for commodity, variety, weather, climate and season.
- Regulatory compliance for organic, kosher and halal.