When looking for innovative laser labelling for fresh produce, beware imitations! This is the message from Laser Food, the pioneer and undisputed leader of laser labelling technology, which has more than a decade’s experience providing European Union-supported eco-solutions for achieving the safe, permanent identification of fresh produce.

Registered as a brand name for the technology in 2016, Natural Branding© has proven to be a hit with consumers, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from shoppers and media coverage across Europe. Thanks to Laserfood’s Natural Branding technology, Laserfood’s customer Eosta won the prize in the Sustainability Category at the 2018 Packaging Awards.


More than technology
Laser Food’s Natural Branding solution was first conceived in 2006 when company founder and agro-sector professional Jaime Sanfelix became aware of the problem that non-labeling and mislabeling of produce presented for retailers. Back then, there was no way to achieve permanent identification on fresh produce and the Laser Mark was the solution to this problem.

Sanfelix explains that laser labelling is now recognized by increasing numbers of consumers first and foremost as Natural Branding. “As the leaders and the creators of the technology, it’s very satisfying to see how the Natural Branding brand name is now recognized by consumers across Europe, and how more and more people are acknowledging the great benefits it has for the environment,” he says.

 “On the other hand it is very concerning to see how opportunists that appeared recently on the market have made inappropriate and fraudulent use of a technology that has taken years of work, experience, research and effort. The bad faith use of the technology by these ‘me too’ players gives it a poor image.”

Greater awareness
In recent years growth of worldwide opinion against the use of plastic has increased the profile of Natural Branding by helping both producers and retailers improve their environmental reputations. “The world has finally realized that we cannot continue producing and rejecting insane amounts of plastic that we use only once, but which will take centuries to degrade,” says Sanfelix. “Natural Branding can help improve environmental credentials and it’s cheap for the simple reason that the system eliminates the need for wasteful paper labels, inks, glue and only uses light.”

“That’s why only Laser Food received the support of the European Union’s eco-innovation program from 2010 to 2013.”

Flexible labelling
Furthermore, continues Sanfelix, Natural Branding is a very flexible system: the latest innovation introduced allows customers to mark their products however they want, whenever they want. This new Natural Branding software now allows customers to create their own logos and recipes, and upload them themselves on their machines.

Natural Branding also has the advantage of being a permanent label. With Natural Branding, food becomes identifiable through its entire commercial life to the end consumers’ table. Full traceability of products allows growers and retailers to trace their products until they are consumed, as well as giving consumers a full guarantee about what they buy.


How it works
Laser Food is a pioneer and leader in the safe, damage-free marking of fruits and vegetables. Unlike laser-burning techniques which compromise product quality and shelf life, Laser Food’s patented Laser Mark system works by removing a minuscule area of fruit skin. An eco-friendly means of branding fruits and vegetables by creating an image on the peel through a contactless marking solution with natural light, Natural Branding can be applied to practically all fruits and vegetables with zero negative impact on taste, aroma or shelf-life.

The technology has been approved by food safety authorities in the US (here) and the EU (here), while laser labels were approved by the European Union in 2013.

Laser Food’s global expansion has been made possible thanks to its global marketing agreement with JBT Corporation, which builds and promotes Laser Food’s Laser Mark technology worldwide. JBT also promotes Laser Food via jbtc.com and the @JBTLaserFood social media accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Click HERE to learn more about Natural Branding